Gladiator Athletic
Heavy-duty components integrated with Hadrian's trouble-free, rugged and quiet design create the ultimate athletic locker.
With fully ventilated doors and sides, Gladiator lockers allow for increased airflow – an absolute must for serious sporting environments.
Available in a wide range of colors, sizes and tiers, Gladiator athletic lockers can be configured to suit any locker room

- Designs
- Specifications
- Options
- Downloads

Single Tier

Single Tier
Available heights: 72", 60", 48", 39"

Two Tier

Two Tier
Available heights: 72", 60"

Three Tier

Three Tier
Available height: 72"

Four Tier

Four Tier
Available height: 72"

Six Tier

Six Tier
Available height: 72"

Individual galvanneal box base

Continuous Z-base

Continuous Z-base
Anchored directly to floor
Elevates 4” off the ground
Available in lengths of 60”

Sloping top

Sloping top
Prevents accumulation of dust; discourages users from stacking clutter above locker

Recess top & side trim

Recess top & side trim
3” high trim for side and top gaps
Flat surface of trim blends with locker frames for continuous appearance

Expansion trim

Expansion trim
Powder coated to match frame color
Attached to locker side and wall; trim slides together for a clean, uniform appearance

Filler panel

Filler panel
Fasteners installed from inside lockers, to maintain a clean exterior with no exposed fasteners

Plenum panel

Plenum panel
Fits securely into U-channels that are fastened to bulkhead and top of lockers
Sits flush with locker face (height to suit condition)

Flat top corner filler

Flat top corner filler
Cut to suit corner, and install to cover corner gap
Prevent garbage from being thrown between lockers

Coat rod & brackets

Coat rod & brackets
Unique bracket design eliminates sharp edges


Double prong hooks also available

Diagonally embossed bottom shelf

Diagonally embossed bottom shelf
Allows moisture to escape from locker
Minimize damage caused by wet environment

Number plates

Number plates
Aluminum available as upcharge item
(not available for locker express program orders)


Master 1525 Key Controlled Padlock: Supervisory key control, one combination
Any brand padlock with 5/16” or thinner shackle

Key locks

Key locks
Master 1710mkada Deadbolt Cylinder Lock
Master 1714mkada Springbolt Cylinder Lock

Built-in combination locks

Built-in combination locks
Master 1652 Built-In Combination Lock
Master 1676mkada Built-In Combination Lock

Electronic locks

Electronic locks
(compatible with Hadrian lockers prepared for built-in combination locks; no other special preparation is required)

Coin operated locks

Coin operated locks
Not suitable for 6 tier lockers

Power vented

Power vented
Enlarged top ventilation holes in lockers, for external mechanical system to ventilate
Top louvers in frame are closed in order to facilitate


Available for 72” or 60” lockers, in single and double tier only