Norton 7500 Closer
Norton is one of the leading closers in the industry. This Grade-1 non-handed rack-and-pinion design with cast aluminum body provides the perfect solution for high usage commercial projects.
- Specifications
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- Options
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7500 body assembly
7500 body assembly
7500LAP Multi-sized Closer
7500SSLAP Corrosion Resistant
7500LAP Sized Closer (specify closer size)
Mounting hardware included
7500SSLAP Corrosion Resistant
7500LAP Sized Closer (specify closer size)
Mounting hardware included
7500 non-hold open arm
7500 stainless steel arm
7500 parallel rigid arm
7500 CloserPlus® Spring™ arm
7500 regular rigid heavy duty arm
7500 regular rigid heavy duty arm
Regular rigid, heavy duty arm assembly
Mounting hardware included
Mounting hardware included
7500 parallel rigid offset arm
7500 Unitrol® parallel arm
7500 Unitrol® top jamb arm
7700/7500 & STP track
7700/7500 & STP track
Track assembly, pull side or push side
Non-hold open or Hold open
Mounting hardware included
Non-hold open or Hold open
Mounting hardware included
7740/7540ST track
7740/7540ST track
Track assembly, pull side or push side
Non-hold open or Hold open
Mounting hardware included
Non-hold open or Hold open
Mounting hardware included